
Dale Farm Solar Farm

Installation and operation of a 4.9 MW solar energy project and associated photovoltaic (PV) panels, mounting frames, 3 new control rooms, fence pole-mounted security cameras, and both underground and overground electricity cables.


Solar Farm DFD Ltd.







Our Involvement

The key beneficiary of this application is the Dale Farm Creamery at Dunmanbridge, which is the largest milk processing site in Northern Ireland. The intention of this renewable project is to enable Dale Farm to access a cheaper and more reliable source of power.

Issues Encountered

  • Public safety, human health, or residential amenity from reflected sunlight
  • Visual amenity and landscape character
  • Biodiversity, nature conservation or built heritage interests
  • Local nature resources
  • Public access to the countryside

We took forward Pre-Application Discussions (PADs) with Mid Ulster Council and managed the planning application for this proposal through to approval in January 2016, successfully demonstrating its wider environmental, social and economic benefits as well as its compliance with the criteria within PPS 18.

Councillors in the Cookstown DEA were also briefed given the significance of the project for a major local business.

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